Thursday 26 May 2016

Complete Biography of Bengal tiger

Bengal tiger

Tigers are the biggest members of the cat family unit and are well-known for their authority and power.

The Bengal tiger is a great, with stripe cat from the Nepal, India, Burma, Bangladesh, and Bhutan. Bengal tiger lives in a diversity of surroundings, as well as rain forests and thick grasslands.

Bengal tiger is powerful
Bengal Tiger

The Bengal tiger can exist to regarding eighteen years in imprisonment, and almost certainly a few years fewer in the wild. Bengal tigers is frequently solitary, but from time to time move in groups of 3 otherwise 4. Bengal tigers are in threat of extermination due to more-hunting by poachers.


There were 8 tiger species at one moment, but three became dead during the 20th century. Over the previous 100 years, hunting and forest devastation have condensed tiger populations from hundreds of thousands of creatures to perhaps a smaller amount than 2,500.
Bengal tigers are hunted as awards, and also for body elements that are used in conventional Chinese medicine. All five lingering tiger subspecies are in danger of extinction, and many defense programs are in position.


Male of the Bengal tigers are up to 10 feet (3 m) extensive and females of the Bengal tiger group are up to 9 feet (2.7 m) extensive. The tail is about 3 feet (0.9 m) extensive. The fur is generally orange-brown with black bands of color.
The hair on the stomach is white with black band of color. White Bengal tigers (with white hair and black stripes) are very uncommon in the wild. Bengal tigers have long, razor-sharp teeth in dominant jaws.


Bengal tigers live unaccompanied and forcefully scent-mark large provinces to keep their competitors away. They are controlling night-time hunters that move several miles to discover buffalo, deer, wild pigs, and other large animals.

Bengal tiger is meat eater
Bengal tiger attack on deer

Bengal tigers use their characteristic coats as a smokescreen (no two have precisely the matching stripes). They lie in stay and move stealthily close enough to do violence to their fatalities with a quick spring and a fatal jump. A famished tiger can consume as much as 60 pounds (27 kilograms) in one hour of darkness, though they generally eat less.


The Bengal tiger is a carnivore (meat-consumers/eaters). The tiger frequently kills its victim with a nibble on the neck. Bengal tiger eats buffaloes, pigs, elephants, antelopes, deer , cattle, and youthful elephants.

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