Wednesday 18 May 2016

Best and Complete Biography of African Elephant

African Elephant

African Elephant is the biggest animal land living that is large than the Asian Elephant in size. African Elephants are especially socialist bonds and they are live in groups like a family. Female is head of his female that called ‘cow’.
African Elephant is large than Asian Elephant
African Elephant

The males of the African Elephant groups are (called bulls) sporadically join the group and called of male ‘bull’. African Elephants are brilliant swimmers, it is expert in swimming.
 African Elephants have not that enemy that easily kills them, but human being is so powerful that easily kill them.
African Elephants are in danger of extinction due to the thrashing of environment and poaching, in other word we can say that African Elephants are killed for their ivory tusks.

African Elephant’s Trunk:

African Elephant takes breaths through 2 nostrils at the previous part of their trunk, which is a porch of the muzzle. The trunk is too used to obtain water and groceries.

For get water, the African Elephant sucks the water into its trunk, after that curls the trunk towards the verbal cavity, and squirts the water into it. The trunk has 2 prehensile (greedy) annex at the tilt, which it uses like a affectionate.

African Elephant’s Anatomy:

African elephants middling about 10 feet huge at the shoulder, weighing approximately 5,400 kg. The males of African Elephant is mostly large than females of African Elephant.  Males and females of the African Elephant group have tusks. The colors of African Elephants have wrinkled, gray-brown coat that is approximately hairless.

African Elephant’s Ears:

The ears of African Elephants are large size that is fashioned like the continent of Africa. The ears of African Elephant have not only worked to hear, but also help it to lose intemperance warmth, the same as sizzling blood flows put up the shutters to the surface of the skin.

African Elephant’s Diet:

African Elephant is grass-eater
African Elephant eats leaves of trees and other.

African Elephant eats green roots, barks, green grasses, leaves of trees, and also fruits. African Elephant uses its tusks and trunk to gain food. These herbivores spend mainly of its moment in time for eating. The males can eat up to 300 to 600 pounds of food daily.

Classification of African Elephant:

Genera and species: Loxodonta Africana (African savanna elephants), Loxodonta cyclotis (African forest elephants, discovered to be a separate species in 2001), Subclass Eutheria (placental mammals), Kingdom Animalia (animals), Suborder Elephantoidea, Phylum Chordata (having a notochord).

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