Thursday 26 May 2016

Best and Complete Biography of Bactrian camel

Bactrian camel

Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) is a two-humped camel that exists in the rock-strewn Gobi desert and the grasslands (prairies) of the Asia; these surroundings obtain both extremely hot and extremely cold. Bactrian camels have life duration of regarding 40 years. These strong animals are an endangered animals.
Bactrian Camels live in family groups
Family of Bactrian Camel

Like Arabian camels, Bactrian Camels infrequently sweat, serving them preserve fluids for extensive phases of time. In winter season, plants may yield sufficient wetness to maintain a camel without water for numerous weeks.

When Bactrian Camels do replenish, however, they soak up water similar to a sponge. An extremely thirsting animal can drink thirty gallons (135 liters) of water in just 13 minutes.

The Hump:

The Bactrian camel’s 2 humps include fat and NOT water. The camel can go off without foodstuff and water for 3 - 4 days. Bactrian camel is healthy modified to desert life.


Bactrian Camels are extremely strong mammals with ample, lagging feet. Wide fibrous pads defend the knees and the chest. Bactrian Camels have nostrils that can release and seal, defensive them from blustering sand.
Bactrian Camel is live in dessert
Bactrian Camel lives in desert mostly 

Bactrian camel’s ears are also lined with defensive hairs. Bushy eye-brows and 2 rows of extensive eye-lashes defend their eyes from the sand. The mouth is very tough, permitting camels to consume difficult desert plants.

Substantial fur and under wool maintain the camel warm during cold desert nighttime and also protects against daylight heat. Bactrian Camels are over seven feet (2 m) tall at the bump and weigh in overindulgence of 1,600 pounds.


Bactrian Camels are herbivores (plant-consumer/eater); they consume grass, leaves of the tree, and grains. Many Bactrian Camels have been disciplined and are fed by people. It can drink up to 32 gallons (120 liters) of water at a moment.

Suborder Tylopoda, Species C. bactrianus, Family Camelidae, Order Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates), Subclass Eutheria (Placental mammals), Genus Camelus.

1 comment:

  1. I am read biography about this animal frist time. It is very informative for me. Thanks
