Showing posts with label Animal biography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animal biography. Show all posts

Thursday 19 May 2016

Complete Biography of American Buffalo

American Buffalo

American Buffalo is also generally known as American bison and also called Bison. American buffalo is a North American animal of bison that once ambled the grasslands of the North America in enormous herds.
American buffalo is the heaviest land animal in North America because it’s weigh is so much. It lives in parks and reserves, inhabiting flat grasslands. American Buffalo is a social animal and it can run at speeds up to 48 kph.
American Buffalo is heaviest but less elephants.
American Buffalo

American buffaloes became almost extinct by a mishmash of commercial hunting and slaughter in the ninety century and beginning of bovine diseases from household cattle, and have made a current resurgence fundamentally restricted to a only some national parks and reserves.
The historical range of American buffalo is approximately comprised a triangle among the Great Bear Lake in the Canada's extreme northwest, south to the Mexican states of the Durango and Nuevo León, and east to the Atlantic Seaboard of the United States (almost to the Atlantic Tidewater in some regions) from the New York to Georgia and per a quantity of sources down to Florida. American buffaloes were seen in the North Carolina near Buffalo Ford on the Catawba River as behind schedule as 1750.

Classification of American buffalo:

Two species otherwise ecotypes have been explained: the plains bison (B. b. bison), lesser in size and with an extra rounded hump, and the wood bison (B. b. Athabascae)—the bigger of the two and having a taller, rectangle hump.


The American buffalo is up to 6 feet (1.8 m) large at the shoulder. It can weigh up to 900 kg or more. Bulls that are males of American buffalo groups are larger than cows that are females of this group. American buffalo’s bulls and cows have horns. Buffaloes have a life duration of 12-15 years. 


American buffalo are herbivores that eat graze on grass, twigs and shrubs, so due to this we can call Plant-Eaters. They consume their food without chewing and later repeat a cud and chew food. 

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Best and Complete Biography of African Elephant

African Elephant

African Elephant is the biggest animal land living that is large than the Asian Elephant in size. African Elephants are especially socialist bonds and they are live in groups like a family. Female is head of his female that called ‘cow’.
African Elephant is large than Asian Elephant
African Elephant

The males of the African Elephant groups are (called bulls) sporadically join the group and called of male ‘bull’. African Elephants are brilliant swimmers, it is expert in swimming.
 African Elephants have not that enemy that easily kills them, but human being is so powerful that easily kill them.
African Elephants are in danger of extinction due to the thrashing of environment and poaching, in other word we can say that African Elephants are killed for their ivory tusks.

African Elephant’s Trunk:

African Elephant takes breaths through 2 nostrils at the previous part of their trunk, which is a porch of the muzzle. The trunk is too used to obtain water and groceries.

For get water, the African Elephant sucks the water into its trunk, after that curls the trunk towards the verbal cavity, and squirts the water into it. The trunk has 2 prehensile (greedy) annex at the tilt, which it uses like a affectionate.

African Elephant’s Anatomy:

African elephants middling about 10 feet huge at the shoulder, weighing approximately 5,400 kg. The males of African Elephant is mostly large than females of African Elephant.  Males and females of the African Elephant group have tusks. The colors of African Elephants have wrinkled, gray-brown coat that is approximately hairless.

African Elephant’s Ears:

The ears of African Elephants are large size that is fashioned like the continent of Africa. The ears of African Elephant have not only worked to hear, but also help it to lose intemperance warmth, the same as sizzling blood flows put up the shutters to the surface of the skin.

African Elephant’s Diet:

African Elephant is grass-eater
African Elephant eats leaves of trees and other.

African Elephant eats green roots, barks, green grasses, leaves of trees, and also fruits. African Elephant uses its tusks and trunk to gain food. These herbivores spend mainly of its moment in time for eating. The males can eat up to 300 to 600 pounds of food daily.

Classification of African Elephant:

Genera and species: Loxodonta Africana (African savanna elephants), Loxodonta cyclotis (African forest elephants, discovered to be a separate species in 2001), Subclass Eutheria (placental mammals), Kingdom Animalia (animals), Suborder Elephantoidea, Phylum Chordata (having a notochord).

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Complete Biography of Canada Geese

Canada Geese

The Canada Geese is a big wild geese groups with a black neck and head, white scraps on the face and a brown body. 

The Canada geese are ordinary North American geese. It makes a loud, honking echo. There are a lot of species of this geese, and they variety broadly in size; the smallest of these (called "cackling geese" for the reason that of their high-pitched calls) are merely 1/4 the dimension of the largest (called "honkers"). Many Canada Geese transfer seasonally, flying in a feature V-shaped configuration.
Canada Geese is nature of beauty
Canada Geese


Enormously successful at living in human-altered regions, Canada geese have proven talented to find breeding colonies in cities and urban areas, which supply food and a small number of natural predators, and are glowing known as an ordinary park group.


The Canada Geese has a characteristic white "chinstrap" and a shady head and neck. Canada Geese are normally brown above and white underneath. The immature Canada Geese looks like to the adult.
The Canada Geese has a plump body, long neck, and webbed foot. Canada Geese ranges from 56 to 115 cm.

Diet: The diet of the Canada Geese consists mostly of green plants.

Eggs and Nests:

The Canada Geese's shell is a easy depression in the earth that is lined with grass and fine hair. Females lay 2 to 12 dull white eggs in every clutch (a set of eggs laid at single time).


In 2000, the North American inhabitants for the geese were estimated to be among 4 million and 5 million birds.  A 20-year schoolwork from 1983 - 2003 in Wichita, Kansas, originate the dimension of the winter Canada Geese inhabitants within the urban limits rise from 1,600 to over 18,000 birds. 

Best Biography of African Wild Dog

African Wild Dog

African Wild Dog is called painted dog too. It is a rare wild dog that wanders the unadorned, grasslands and plain forests of Africa. African Wild Dog is a very community animal that lives in groups. These wild dogs can run over 48 km per hour. 
African wild dog is hunter
African Wild Dog take rest after hunting


African Wild Dog has small, spotted fur. It has big ears, prickly eyes, and an eager sense of smell. Matures’ weigh 45 to 80 pounds (20 to 36 kg) and are 30 to 38 inches (76 to 112 cm) long. African Wild Dogs have duration of life of 11 years.

Hunting and Diet:

African Wild Dogs hunt in groups of 10 to 20 dogs, frequently males’ dogs. Previous to the hunt, a group will make animated sounds and lick every other's face. These carnivores (meat eaters) can run down and murder, even big mammals, like wildebeest and antelopes.
African wild dog is hunting
African Dog is hunting

African Wild Dogs swallow meat in bulky chunks. When these wild dogs come back to their group, they repeat food for young pups and dogs that were not in the hunt when they were busy in hunting. African Wild Dogs do not hunt at all.


African Wild Dogs are sometimes killed by lions and leopards, but men have exterminated a lot of them, calling them nuisances and bringing them to the edge of death.

African Wild Dog Classification and Evolution:

African Wild Dog is middle sized genus of canine found transversely sub-Saharan Africa. African Wild Dog is mainly without difficulty identified from both family and other wild Dogs by their brilliantly mottled fur, with its name in Latin aptly meaning painted wolf.

African Wild Dog is said to be the friendliest of all the canines, living in groups of around 30 individuals. Unhappily however, this extremely intelligent and friendly mammal is sternly under danger in much of its normal habitat, mainly due to habitat loss and having been hunted by human being.

Monday 16 May 2016

Complete Biography of Oryx


The Oryx is a genus consisting of 4 great antelope species. The Oryx is also called the sabre antelope. Oryx is a speedy-running hoofed animal that lives in dry areas of Africa and Asia (plus the Arabian Peninsula). They live in the steppes (sparse grasslands), the semi-deserts, and the deserts.
Oryx lives in dessert also

These antelopes assemble in herds of 8 - 60 Oryx. Newborn calves can run with the group within some minutes of their birth. Oryx has a life duration of about twenty years. Several people think that the unicorn of legend was based ahead the Oryx.

A lot of types of Oryx (plus the Arabian Oryx and the scimitar-horned Oryx) are endangered species, typically because of greater hunting and also disease.

Horns of Oryx:

Oryx in days when water to drink is difficult
Oryx in dry days

Oryx has long, permanent, ringed, straight horns. Oryx females have a little longer, but thinner horn than male of Oryx. These horns provide them admirable defense from the killers, and have been identified to kill lions, jackals etc.

Anatomy of Oryx:

Oryxes have long legs, extensive, hoofed foot, and protracted horns. The colorless to light brown hair masks them in the arid setting.

The diet of Oryx:

The Oryx is an herbivore due to eat green plants we are also called a plant-eater). Oryx eats mostly grasses, shrubs and also roots, spend most of its time grazing. Oryx is ruminants; Oryx swallows its food without chewing it. After a while, they repeat a partly-absorbed "cud" which Oryx chews and after that swallows for the end time.
Oryx can live without water for many days
Oryx can be lived without water for many days

Oryx lives without water:

Oryx is a desert animal, Oryx can go for several weeks without drink water; it gets greatly of its water from the plants that Oryx eats.

Best and Complete Biography of Blue Whales

Blue Whales

The Blue Whales are the prime whales and the largest creatures that ever lived on the Earth. Blue Whales are also the loudest creatures on the Earth - still louder that a jumbo jet plane.
When Blue Whales breathe (through two blowholes), Blue Whales ‘blow are like streams that rises 40-50 feet (13-15 m) on top of the surface of the water. These gray-blue whales are mostly found worldwide.

Blue whales are complicated to weigh because due to their size. As an entire, blue whales from the Pacific and the Northern Atlantic appear to be minor on average than those Blue Whales from sub-Antarctic waters. When blue whales are Matured then their weights typically range from 73 to 136 tones (80 to 150 tiny tons).
Blue Whales are biggest animals
Blue Whales

Blue whales were copious in almost all the oceans on the Earth until the start of the 20th century. For over one century, blue whales were hunted almost to extinction by whalers in anticipation of protected by the intercontinental community in 1966. Blue Whales are mostly living in close proximity to the surface of the ocean in small clusters called pods otherwise living individual.

Blue whales are the major animals ever identified to have lived. By assessment, one of the largest identified dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era was Argentinosaurus, which is anticipated to have weighed up to ninety tones (99 tiny tons), equivalent to the normal of blue whales.

A report that is estimated in 2002, there were 5,000 - 12,000 blue whales all-inclusive, in at least 5 groups. More current research into the pygmy species suggests this may be an overestimate. Previous to whaling, the largest inhabitants were in the Antarctic, numbering about 239,000 (range 202,000 - 311,000). The Blue Whales are in threat of extinction.
Blue Whales jumping

Diet of
Blue Whales:

This enormous cetacean eats minute crustaceans (like krill, cope pods etc.), plankton, and also small fish that it sifts through its comb-like plates of the baleen.

Friday 13 May 2016

Complete Biography of Boa Constrictor

Boa Constrictor

The Boa Constrictor is a huge size and solitary snake that mostly live in the Central and the South American rain forests, savannas, and half-arid areas. Boa Constrictors are kept in house like house-snakes in divisions of South America, in these areas; the Boa Constrictors help out by catching and disgusting rats.

The Boa Constrictor is connected to the bigger Anaconda. Boa Constrictor gives delivery (birth) to live young; up to 65 2-ft (60-cm) long baby snakes are born at the same time. All the species of boas are also endangered otherwise protected.
official Picture of Boa Constrictor
Official Picture of Boa Constrictor

Hunting and Diet of Boa Constrictor:

Boa Constrictor is carnivores that liked every much to eat meat (meat-eaters). Boa Constrictors mostly hunt at night time (Boa Constrictors are normally nocturnal). Boa Constrictors kill by toning (squeezing) the prey awaiting it can no longer take breaths.
Occasionally, Boa Constrictors drown the prey.

Like all other snakes, Boa Constrictors consume the prey complete, first of all consumes head. The Boa Constrictor's top and base jaws are closed to each other with elastic ligaments, which let the Boa Constrictor consumes animals wider than itself. Boa Constrictors don't chew their food; they absorb it with extremely strong acids in the snake's Boa Constrictor.

Boa Constrictors also eat birds, small size mammals like monkeys, the peccaries, and the rodents, and some reptiles in which iguanas, young crocodiles and lizards. Eating a large animal, then Boa Constrictor needs no more food for an long time, and goes to rest for weeks.
Food of Boa Constrictor
Boa Constrictor consume his prey

Anatomy of Boa Constrictor:

Like all other snakes, Boa Constrictors are also cold-blooded; Boa Constrictors have the similar temperature as the environment. Boa Constrictor continues to grow up all their lives, receiving larger and larger each year.

Mature Boa Constrictors standard about 6-10 feet (1.8-3 m) length and weigh over 60 pounds (about 28 kg). The biggest boa constrictor ever originates was 18.5 feet (5.5 m) length.

Boa Constrictors have blooms that camouflage them; Boa Constrictors have several colors of cream, gray, brown, tan, and black with ovals and diamonds. The peeling skin glistens although is dry is to the feel. Boa Constrictor has no fangs. The forked dialect senses odors. There are temperature sensors beneath the upper lip; these help the snake locate heat-blooded prey, like mammals, birds.

Above explanation is about anatomy of Boa Constrictor.

Classification of Boa Constrictor:

Order Squamata (lizards and snakes) plus Species constrictor Family Boidae (constrictors) plus Kingdom Animalia plus Phylum Chordata plus Class Reptilia plus Suborder Serpentes, and Genus Boa.

Best Biography of Bobcats


Beautiful Bobcats are fierce cats that live in the mountains, forest or jungles, deserts, swamps, and prairie  in greatness of North America. Bobcats are normally nocturnal (mostly energetic at night). But bobcats have peaks of action at dawn and sunset. Bobcats use the daytime in their den (a cave, empty log otherwise rock crevice).
Bobcats are admirable mountaineers and swimmers. Bobcats are preyed upon by wolves, people, cougars, coyotes, and owls. Bobcats have a life period of 10-15 years. However, the bobcats and the lynx are very much related. 
Official Picture of Bobcat
Official Bobcat Picture

Anatomy of Bobcats:

The Bobcat has dominant jaws and long, sharp canine teeth. It has razor-sharp, retractable claws, large ears, and a dappled coat. Several bobcats have extended tufts of hair at the angle of the ears that develop the cat's hearing.
The brown eyes have round pupils. These attractive cats are from 25 to 40 inches long (together with the tail). The stubby tail is only 5 to 7 inches long, and looks as while it was cut off (or bobbed). This is what this cat is named for. Anatomy of bobcats that listed above is so simple to understand.

Diet of Bobcats:

Bobcats are carnivores and they liked very much to eat meat. These fast, friendless hunters eat petite mammals (like rodents, rabbits, hares, weasels, foxes, and yet the irregular small deer), birds, fish, and plus eggs. Bobcats follow their prey, and after that pounce onto it. Bobcats can jump up to ten feet. Bobcats can frequently kill their prey in one controlling biting.
Bobcat trying prey
Bobcat Prey